en English

Samsø energy academy, Samsø island, Denmark

This film is part of a series of four reports (Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Finland) produced within the framework of launching the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea. They present projects co-funded by the European Commission under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Samsø island, which enjoys 100% energy autonomy, today expects to become a source of inspiration for other regions. This determination is epitomised notably by its energy academy, which opened in summer 2006. With ERDF support, the academy aims to demonstrate that it is possible to ally new energy practices and economic viability. The academy is working to raise public awareness while also encouraging scientific research in the field of new sources of energy.

Date: 04 jan 2010

Theme: Energy, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Languages:   da | de | en | fr

Subtitles:   da | de | en | fr

Duration: 1:39

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